Friday, December 11, 2009

locking your folders n files in windows .

this a simple way to lock ur files in windows by command and keeping ur data safe frm unwanted ppl.
even it will b helpful if u r afraid of data loss by childrens using ur system at home.
so come and make ur data safe
note: it will work on NTFS file system only.

1. goto start---->run---->cmd
2. c:\documents and settings\administrator > cd desktop
3. c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop > (now we are at desktop)

and we have to lock the folder situated at desktop .so we will create a folder at desktop

4. c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop >md abc (it will cerate the folder abc)
5. c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop >cd abc (to check that we are able to access newly created folder abc)

6.c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop\abc > (we are now in abc folder )

the folder is accessible presently

7. c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop\abc > cd.. (to come back from the folder)
8. c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop > (now we are again back at the desktop)

now the command to lock the folder "abc"
9. c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop >cacls abc /d users
10. yes
now your folder is locked. you can check that by clicking the folder on your desktop or by the command given below.
11. c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop >cd abc (it will give you access denied notification)

now to open this lock give the following command

12. c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop >cacls abc /g users:f
13. yes

now your folder is accessible again.

same thing u can apply on the files also it works fine and no one can delete these files also.

this is useful when u dont have any folder lock software. as they are risky to use also as problem is if u forget the password u can't back the files back by folder lock software and they also effect your system also by creating "BSOD" (blue screen of death). the very well know problem.

enjoy it!

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